Saturday, August 27, 2011

Democrat BBQ

Look who was at the annual Democrat BBQ last night!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Kelly, Rodney, Andrew and Adam sent a teapot and cup filled with flowers for my 70th birthday.

 And Rodney sent me a special gift from Rush Limbaugh: a case of patriot tea.

No kidding.

(click the pic below to enlarge)

My brother-in-law Barney took me to chicken night at the Country favorite food and favorite place to eat. Afterwards, sister Dot and I sat on their patio and looked at our old blog posts on her new I Pad.
By the way, I gave two bottles of Rush's tea to Barney and Dorothy. They were moderately happy to have some.

 Life in the 70s is real good.

And this is what 70 looks like. *he he he*